The Things of the Dope Universe

  1. 3-Chip
  2. 2,200 3B Personal Cannon
  3. Act of Ethereal
  4. Active Capacity Stealth
  5. Active Proprietary Feed
  6. Adaptable Piecemeal Renderer
  7. Advanced Photosynthesis
  8. Affinity Level
  9. Allegiance
  10. Allegiance General
  11. Allegiance Leader
  12. Alpha Phase
  13. Andro-Conversion
  14. Aperture Location
  15. Apparition
  16. Ascension
  17. At-Ship Fighter
  18. Aural Wave Emulation
  19. Ball Bearing Treads
  20. Banister Junction
  21. Battle Bridge
  22. Battle Uniform I
  23. Battle Uniform II
  24. Beam Catcher
  25. Beta Phase
  26. Big Sister
  27. Biometric Filter
  28. Biometric Tether
  29. Biometry Table
  30. Black Box Dictation
  31. Blister Batteries
  32. Botswarra Outpost Commander
  33. Bracelets of Defense
  34. Brael Moonbeam
  35. Brael Moonbeam Captain
  36. Buffalo Grove Transit Authority
  37. Buffer Contingent
  38. Bullhorn Projection
  39. Cane of Sting
  40. Capillary Purge
  41. Carriveaua
  42. Celestial Level
  43. CHAOtic Syndrome (ChaoS)
  44. Chronological Lighting
  45. Clamps of Delayed Reaction
  46. Clampship
  47. Class I Fighter
  48. Class II Fighter
  49. Class III Fighter
  50. Class IV Fighter
  51. Class V Fighter
  52. Claw Glove
  53. Codekey
  54. CoDel
  55. Coerced Ascension
  56. Collapsible Spaces
  57. Collar of Control
  58. Combat Gear
  59. Communication Beacon
  60. Communications Feed
  61. Concision
  62. Congregation
  63. Containment Array
  64. Controlled Overload
  65. Controlled Radius Bomb
  66. Conversion
  67. Converter
  68. Converter-X Adapter
  69. Converter-Y Adapter
  70. Core Nanite
  71. Corporeal Level
  72. Corseted Bustier of Strength
  73. Crimson Red Belt
  74. Crystal Cage
  75. Crystal Palace Commander
  76. Cultivator
  77. Cycle H-Ship
  78. Cyrillashg
  79. Cyrillashg Captain
  80. Data Profiler
  81. De-Sequencer Box
  82. Death Corps
  83. Death Corps Base Commander
  84. Death Corps Leader
  85. Death Macabre Reap
  86. Decompartmentalized Reinforcement
  87. Deew
  88. Delivery Injector Nodule
  89. Derondate
  90. Differential Level
  91. Dime Turn
  92. Ditch Point
  93. Djibouti Clan
  94. DNA Recognition/Authorization
  95. Domina Franchise
  96. dOOgie Wars
  97. Doormat Key
  98. Doran
  99. Doran Aristocracy
  100. Doran Aristocracy Leader
  101. Doran Battle Garb
  102. Doran Battle Garb II
  103. Doran Locking System
  104. Doran Military
  105. Doran Military Leader
  106. Doughnut Search
  107. Dust-Pollinate
  108. Duzo 16/7 Charge
  109. Dyoogie Discipline
  110. Dyoogie Gang
  111. Dyoogie Slide
  112. Ear-To-Mouth Com
  113. Echo Points
  114. El Dia de Dolor
  115. Elvera Blaster
  116. Emergency Beacon
  117. Emergency Trojan
  118. Emissary
  119. Emperor Staff
  120. Energy Attack
  121. Energy Capsule
  122. Energy Signature
  123. Enforcer I
  124. Enforcer I Captain
  125. Enforcers
  126. Enforcers Base Commander
  127. Enforcers General
  128. Enforcers Leader
  129. Engineering Team Lead
  130. Enlightenment
  131. Ennead Tech Corp
  132. Enslave
  133. Enthrall
  134. Envenom Blaster
  135. Epicenter Chase
  136. Ethereal
  137. Ethno-Decentrism
  138. Excavator 13344
  139. Excavator 13344 Captain
  140. Excel Wean
  141. Existential Level
  142. Expert Level
  143. Extended Containment Array
  144. Extension Barbs
  145. Final Checks
  146. Fist Lasers
  147. Flogger of Thud
  148. Foot Thrusters
  149. Forever Healer
  150. Four-Dimensional Strategy
  151. Freezer Containers
  152. Freezer Tubes
  153. Freighter
  154. Fusion Cuffs
  155. Galaxy Bloc
  156. Galaxy Bloc Council
  157. Galaxy Bloc Leader
  158. Gamma Phase
  159. Gauntlet
  160. Generalization
  161. Genetic Rank
  162. Globule Absorption
  163. Goliath & The Reapers
  164. Grey
  165. Gridded Girth
  166. Ground Pounce
  167. Growth Spurt
  168. He-- Sword
  169. High Capacity Laser Fluid Cartridge
  170. Hot Evac
  171. Hover
  172. HUD
  173. Human
  174. Hunter Ship
  175. Illinois Research Institute
  176. Indra Pallavan Trade Routes
  177. Innocence
  178. Innocence Crime Ring
  179. Innocence Postponed
  180. Instant Seamstress
  181. Intelligent Laser Fluid Cartridge
  182. Interstellar Combat Physics
  183. Inverted Sweep
  184. Jackknife
  185. Juggernaut
  186. Juggernaut Captain
  187. Juggernaut Commander
  188. Jurisdictional Override
  189. K.A.T. & K.I.T.
  190. Key Cutter
  191. Knee-High Heeled Boots of Speed
  192. Knobblocks
  193. Land Rover
  194. Laser Cannons
  195. Laser Crane
  196. Laser Fluid Cartridge
  197. Laser Fluid Core Chamber
  198. Lasers
  199. Left Com
  200. Leia Feed
  201. Leveraged Loyalty
  202. Life Force
  203. Live Listening Plug-In
  204. Lobotomy
  205. Lockdown Procedure
  206. Lower Being
  207. Mac-X Crew
  208. Manual Claymore
  209. Mega Maze
  210. Mega Maze Industries
  211. Mental Bond
  212. Metaphysical Level
  213. Mezzo Squadron
  214. Migraine Manaqua
  215. Minicomputer
  216. Minimalist Operating System
  217. Minute Attribution
  218. Mister Division's Gang
  219. Modified EVA Suit
  220. Modified Freezer Tubes
  221. Modified Issue Pulse Laser Rifle
  222. Momentum Devices
  223. Mulgulous Weapon
  224. Multipoint Consciousness
  225. Myrmidon Launcher
  226. NA Destroyer
  227. Nakamura AUCD
  228. Nakamura FRHT
  229. Nakamura HNFV
  230. Nakamura Industries
  231. Nakamura PQZG
  232. Nakamura XRTP
  233. Nanite
  234. Nanite Aberration
  235. Nanite Arbitrage
  236. Nanite Transfusion Graft
  237. Nano-Chamo Skin
  238. Nebulan Science Forces
  239. Negative Range Sector
  240. New Alliance
  241. New Alliance General
  242. New Alliance Leader
  243. Night Vision Filter
  244. Ninja Speed
  245. Non-Collared Thrall
  246. Normal Uniform
  247. Northway Ship
  248. Novel Logic
  249. NSF Array
  250. NSF Bipedal
  251. NSF Body Armor
  252. NSF Facility Commander
  253. NSF Fighter
  254. NSF M-Class Fighter
  255. NSF Mech
  256. NSF Merge
  257. NSF Satellite Weapon
  258. NSF Sub
  259. NSF Tank
  260. NSF Worm
  261. Okeydoke
  262. Operational General
  263. Original Mac-X Crew
  264. Original Mac-X Crew Leader
  265. Otherworldly Seal
  266. Outskirts Patrol
  267. Palatine Triad
  268. Paramilitary
  269. Passive Capacity Stealth
  270. Passive/Active Scan
  271. Peep Screen
  272. Penetration Elimination
  273. Personal Guard
  274. Phantom Squadron
  275. Phantom Squadron Leader
  276. Pillorian
  277. Pillorian Regime
  278. Pillorian Regime General
  279. Power Authority
  280. Preferred Photosynthesis
  281. Prim Reaver
  282. Prodos Bush
  283. Propulsive Thrust
  284. Protective Gear
  285. Psychological Level
  286. Pulsars
  287. Puma Fury
  288. Radiashock Device
  289. Radius Attack
  290. Rage Attack
  291. Raring Cruiser
  292. Rearward Missiles
  293. Recovery Subroutine
  294. Red Light Mode
  295. RefCo
  296. Regurgitant Snack
  297. Reignition Sequence
  298. Reincarnation Quest
  299. Reinforced Feeder Septum
  300. Remote Controller
  301. Repulser Shielding
  302. Repurposed Onslaught
  303. Requirement
  304. Residual Nanite
  305. Resigned to Fate
  306. Right Com
  307. Robots
  308. Rond
  309. Roy's Rebels
  310. Royalty Level
  311. Safe Haven Bubble
  312. Safety Tether
  313. Scherzo Squadron
  314. Science/Medical Team Lead
  315. Scourge
  316. Scrubs
  317. SCUNJO
  318. Sea Blunt
  319. Second Earth Special Police Force
  320. Second Earth Special Police Force Base Commander
  321. Security Team Lead
  322. Segmentation Objective Weaponry
  323. Segmentation Targeting
  324. Selected Amnesia
  325. Selective Reassembly
  326. Self-Healer
  327. Seor Laser
  328. Seven Nations
  329. Sforzo Squadron
  330. Shadow Conceal
  331. Shadow Government
  332. Shadow Signature
  333. Sharpshooter
  334. Shield
  335. Shield Dome
  336. Shield Emitter Beacon
  337. Shokan
  338. Shokan Discipline
  339. Shokan Garb
  340. Shokan Leader
  341. Shokan Subsect
  342. Shuttle
  343. Si-Copter
  344. Si-Sub
  345. Silent Sweep
  346. Skill Graft
  347. Skintight Pants of Dexterity
  348. Slingshot
  349. Slorg
  350. Snake
  351. Sniper Rifle
  352. Solar Cell Diode Shield
  353. SoNet
  354. Sorcery
  355. Space Force
  356. Space Force Base Commander
  357. Space Force Doctrine
  358. Space Force Leader
  359. Space Force Rank
  360. Space Tow
  361. SpaceStation Colt
  362. SpaceStation Colt Captain
  363. SpaceStation Colt Commander
  364. SpaceStation Colt Veterans
  365. SpaceStation Diamond
  366. SpaceStation Diamond Captain
  367. SpaceStation Konxerus
  368. SpaceStation Konxerus Captain
  369. SpaceStation Soliloquy
  370. SpaceStation Soliloquy Captain
  371. SpaceStation Thelion
  372. SpaceStation Thelion Captain
  373. SpaceStation Vagabond
  374. SpaceStation Vagabond Captain
  375. Special Alloy
  376. Special Polymer
  377. Stabilizers
  378. Standard Issue Hand Laser
  379. Standard Issue Pulse Laser Rifle
  380. Standard Issue Wristwatch
  381. Stiletto Maneuver
  382. Stone Cutter
  383. Stop Isolation
  384. Struggle
  385. Stun Cycle
  386. Sub-Squadron Commander
  387. Suicide Run
  388. Sundial Sandals
  389. Super 7
  390. Super Dyoogie Slide
  391. Super Puma Fury
  392. Super Tempest Kick
  393. Swivel Cannon
  394. Swivel Guns
  395. Sword of Zahn
  396. Synchronization
  397. Targeting Feed
  398. Teagan Loz Fighter
  399. Tearless Weeping
  400. Technological Sloth
  401. Teleportation
  402. Tempest Kick
  403. Temporal Level
  404. Terran System Commander
  405. Terrison's Rift
  406. The Crew
  407. Theory Processor
  408. Third Control
  409. Threat Indicator
  410. Three-Dimensional Strategy
  411. Thwart Missiles
  412. Tiara of Empathic Projection
  413. Torpedo High Jump
  414. Trace Nanite
  415. Translation Codex
  416. Transport Ship
  417. Treader
  418. Trellix Institute Four
  419. Trichotomy Fighter
  420. Trigger Happy Mofu-s
  421. Triple Action LUNC
  422. True Hate
  423. True Love
  424. True-D
  425. Tube Transport System
  426. U-Gun
  427. Ubvua Pin
  428. Ultra Valence
  429. Ultra Virus
  430. Umbilical Link
  431. Umbilical Marriage
  432. Umbrella Shield
  433. Undue Enrichment
  434. United States Leader
  435. Universal Tendrils
  436. Utility Belt of Purse
  437. Venom Fluid Cartridge
  438. Vex Squadron
  439. Vex Squadron Leader
  440. Vigil Force(s)
  441. Vigil Force(s) General
  442. Vigil Force(s) Leader
  443. Vise Coil
  444. Voluntary Declaration
  445. Warden
  446. Weak Bozos
  447. Weapons Com
  448. Weather Pattern Randomizers
  449. Winger
  450. Wraith
  451. WZZZ
  452. Xendeku
  453. Zahn Council Leader
  454. Zodiac Suncrest
  455. Zodiac Suncrest Captain
  456. Zodiac Suncrest Commander

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